Standarized Upload Format and RSS

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thefi3nd ®

Registered: 3 months 23 days

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Post 12-Jun-2024 14:04 | #1 · Author


Perhaps there could be some kind of standardized format for SD model uploads? Including the original link, such as to civitai if it exists there, would be good. But if that's down or gone, then also including key information about the model could be important, like recommended schedulers, CFG, prompt keywords, etc.
It'll be better to implement these kinds of rules sooner rather than later, so not many uploads need to be changed. This could a real alternative since civitai has been refusing to use torrents.
Another thing to consider is an RSS feed, just in case there are any seedbox or data hoarding chads out there who want to automatically grab and seed everything. I would certainly be interested in doing this.
Edit: I just noticed there is some sort of RSS type feed, but the URL doesn't seem to work properly with qBittorrent or autobrr. And there doesn't seem to be feeds for the larger sections, such as Image Diffusion Models.
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Registered: 3 months 20 days

Posts: 2

Post 24-Jun-2024 08:06 | #2 (after 11 days)

+1, currently most uploads give links to hugging face and specify model name, that's all.
Quality of releases is important :av:
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