add requirements FRAME when creating a new topic (Enhancements for Models Topic)

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win ®

Registered: 1 month 9 days

Posts: 5

Post 23-Oct-2024 20:19 | #1 · Author


Hi Admin,
I’d like to propose a few enhancements for the SD models topic:
  • Visual Reference: Provide users with a clear example of how the SD models topic should be structured.
  • BBCode Sample: Include a sample of BBCode for users to reference.
  • File Conversion Tool: Share the link to Postimg along with a tool that users can utilize to convert files to WEBP format while preserving EXIF data. Once TorrentPier is updated, AVIF format will also be available. I’ve created a tool for my own use and would be happy to share it. The resulting files will be compact, ranging from 20-100 KB each, while maintaining good quality.
  • BBCode in Text Box: The sample BBCode can be pre-filled in the white text box for user convenience.
I’m also available to create the BBCode for that frame if needed.
Thank you!
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