New section to dump the quants

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Post 13-Jun-2024 05:00 | #1 · Author


Currently all the torrents are kinda just all over the place, which could be a problem if more models are added. I think a separate Quantization section should be added, to dump all the gguf/awq/gptq/exl2 quants and those can be linked to from a single post, one for each model. This way they can be searched but also don't take up space on the model sections.
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Registered: 3 months 29 days

Posts: 13

Post 13-Jun-2024 05:51 | #2 (after 51 minute)

I don't really want to add too many categories. Most are downloading a quant of some sort and you can use the search to do something like searching "q4*" in LLaMA 3 8B to find all 4bit quants of models based on L3 8B
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